(9/19) Recap 2021 - Joining Private Schools
First published on December 20, 2021
Tyler Cinnamon
Founder & COO
In June this year we opened our second and third computer labs. We want schools to buy into our program before we start. So, we ask them to provide a secure room with furniture and electricity.
For our first school, we built furniture and hired a contractor to prepare the room. But we knew that if we did that for every school, we wouldn’t reach 10 computer labs by the end of our trip.
Our second school came with some furniture, but the third built furniture just for our program! It was another milestone, and it’s something we’ve negotiated with every school since then.
About The Author
Tyler Cinnamon
Founder & COO
Tyler Cinnamon is a American programmer and entrepreneur. He started TechLit Africa with Nelly Cheboi in 2018 to disrupt poverty with used IT devices.